Traditions, Faith and Making Merry!

Traditions, Faith and Making Merry!

Advent is such a rich season in the church with feast days, and traditions along with anticipation for Christmas. While most years we’d wait to decorate and get the tree, trying to grow that lovely anticipation and keep seasons distanced from each other - this year is a bust. We’d been anticipating so much since the pandemic - that we just really haven’t the patience to wait it out. It’s understandable. We have had a wild political season, Covid concerns that touch everyone - schools, hospitals, businesses, churches, and each of us and then there is just the usual things in life. It hasn’t been easy. I too have lost my discipline. I decorated a tree this past weekend, had the traditional peppermint mocha, did some online shopping and really wanted to put the whole nativity set up - including Jesus in the manger. I know the theology of it all - but somehow my heart needs the joy the early celebrations bring.

There is something comforting about Christmas. We have always known it, but when we are busy with all the doing and planning and baking and gifting we might have missed that little bit from time to time. The comfort to me is the knowing. I know each year that we will hear Scripture that will move me, challenge me, shake me up a bit and remind me that I need this Emmanuel. I know I do, but this year I know it more.

I need the God who can hear my prayer, challenge my thoughts, heal sickness and pain, conquer evil and darkness and bring hope, peace and joy. I want this all for me, for my family and for you and all the world. In spite of the chaos and mess of this year - God will be made manifest in the world once again at Christmas. How will we let the world know that this Christmas thing is real and true and a gift for all humanity? I believe we will be the heralds of this good news by our lives this Advent.

Be joyful. Be merry. Be generous. Be kind. Be compassionate. Be forgiving. Be about all that is good and right and true. Live into your faith this month. Host parties on Zoom. Find opportunities to give gifts. Give people a glimpse of the kind of God we celebrate.

We invite you to a special party this Thursday, December 3rd at 11:00 am Central Time. Our Ministry Blueprints team has some great ideas for gifting, celebrating, hosting and sharing with others. We have stories to tell, give -aways to share and free resources to support your work. Invite a friend or two to join in the event. And just a reminder - be kind to yourself this Advent. Take care and rest, find time to take a walk or a yoga class, smile more or call friends and family just to say hello. You are a beautiful gift to the world!



Advent Lights Our Lives

Advent Lights Our Lives

Family - Famiglia

Family - Famiglia