Hungry for Beauty, Joy and Inspiration
Ordinary time, St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church, St. Charles, MN -
If I am ever having a bad day or feel stuck and leaning toward feeling sorry for myself, I know I need to get out - and immerse myself in something beautiful. I might pop into a flower shop and just look my fill and take it all in - it does something for my heart. Other times I find myself at a neighborhood gift shop - looking at all the things local artisans were inspired to create - and stick with it- all the way to the place where I can see it and feel it and maybe make it my own.
I love to browse my local Barnes and Noble - magazines and books, journals and book covers. I feel so at peace when I head home. A fabric store, Home Depot or craft store usually inspire me to create and just DO something! I have often thought that my soul knows what it needs and pushes me out the door and into places where it will be nurtured. It longs for beauty, joy and inspiration.
We at Ministry Blueprints wondered if you might be in need of that too. Maybe it’s your parish community that needs hope and beauty and a reminder that all will be well. If you have looked closely at some of the resources we create - many of them have original art by one of our staff - Lisa Bierer. She is a liturgical artist who creates incredible works of art that are accessible to anyone. We love that about her.
As we look forward to gathering back together in our churches in the coming months we thought you might want to have something created for your people. Banners for the doors to bring joy! Something in the narthex that inspires or the parking lot that says welcome and you belong! Everything Lisa makes is able to be repurposed for other uses. It’s nice to be able to do that! We use her banners for table runners and prayer cloths when they have served their purpose.
These past few months of winter have been rough for most of us. We long for spring, for our Lent to be over and to live the resurrection and hope that is ours. Find ways to share beauty with those you serve starting today. It might be in your words, social media posts, conversations, environment or taking time to dress up for your next zoom meeting and having a lovely background. We know hearts and souls are in search of beauty. May they find it in us, in Jesus and in our communities who long for their presence.