Words We Savor

Words We Savor

It’s all in the title here - words we savor. If you are like me, there are conversations and statements, letters and notes that we will never forget - they made a mark on our hearts. The first one of these I can recall was in second grade. At school we were preparing for First Communion and had an assignment of some sort that involved my favorite things - brand new crayons and a really big fresh piece of paper. We were told to draw a picture of what First Communion was really about. I got right to it. I drew the open tomb - the rock rolled away ( I loved drawing rocks and since it was closed to Easter - this was on my mind.) I drew a chalice and host inside the doorway of the tomb. My teacher -the same one who taught all my older siblings stopped by my desk. She asked me about the picture and I explained in my seven year old way - just what I was thinking. She put her hand on my shoulder, looked me in the eye and said, “Jane God is going to have you do great things for him one day.” I was excited and scared at the same time, but I can recall it like it was yesterday.

Other things I recall too, compliments, words of encouragement from colleagues or bosses - people I admired and I have kept many of those lovely things. I also have a file on my computer called. “nice things.” It’s a place to store nice emails and messages that touched my heart.

I know that these words are the kind to savor because they don’t come around too often, They mean something to us because they come from the heart - and are a response to something we have said or done for someone. It takes a lot for anyone to actually take time and write or say those things too, so when they do, it’s something to treasure.

I have been wondering lately if the world isn’t in need of a little revolution of the heart these days - to quote Dorothy Day. What if we chose to offer words for others to savor - and leave a lasting mark on hearts. Who would be on your list to call, write to or send a lovely message? What holds you back?

I received a Facebook message out of the blue one day and it mad me cry.

“You're such an inspiration and pure joy to look up to in my life. I always wonder how you can hold a smile with all that you see and do. I always struggle to keep a smile on when I see and hear about so much. I am so blessed to have had you in my growth and development and I hope I can make a difference in at least one other's life to repay the favor. So thank you!”

This young woman was in my youth ministry and went on mission trips with me and a million other things. She inspired me to say things out loud or to write them to others since her words deeply touched me. I try to say kind, encouraging, affirming things whenever and however I can even when I don’t think I have the time or energy. We just never know if it might be the first time someone ever had a kind word like that or if they were questioning themselves, depressed, bullied, or anything in between.

We know we are called to be missionary disciples. We are called to be witnesses of our faith and the one we follow. Often we think we have to have something profound to say that will lead them to Jesus on the spot. But I have found that it is the small things - the words that stick with us and keep us meditating on them that make the biggest difference.

I wish I could talk with Mrs. Staumbaugh, my second grade teacher and tell her that her words stuck with me and I have tried to live into them every day. I am grateful for those who are brave and offer words to savor and I know you are too.

For the rest of our Lenten journey, I ask you to join me in offering words to savor to those who have touched your life in some way or let you know how amazing you are - how beautiful your heart is or how much of a gift you are to the world. And if this hasn’t happened to you, be the one that does it for others knowing it will make an impact in a big way. God will bless your efforts in beautiful ways.

So my words for you today are; Thank you for all you do for those around you - your family, colleagues, neighbors and friends. You make an impact by your ministry, your convictions and the way you love. I’m glad that we are companions on this journey of faith.

Offering hospitality one person at a time!



Hungry for Beauty, Joy and Inspiration

Hungry for Beauty, Joy and Inspiration

