Listen with Love
It’s been a long week or two for all of us. We’ve been changed by everything that we have seen and heard and felt. For most of us, we are wondering what each day will bring and what will be asked of us in response. This week I am taking up a challenge that I invite you into as well. I am going to listen more than I speak. Listen more than I react. Listen more before I pray.
It might be that I am learning to love listening or it might be just what God is asking of us at the moment. With so much rhetoric, so many words and opinions and op-eds and blogs, we often are moved to react and respond. I know I do. But listening will do more at the moment than anything else we can do.
Listening to those we love and serve. How are they feeling and reacting to increasing covid concerns, the national political conversation and how it all affects them?
Listening to all the voices - even ones in direct opposition to our own beliefs. What is being said? What is perceived and understood by people? Where is there convergence? Where is there divergence?
Listening to experts and our wisdom figures. What is the past teaching us? What are the consequences or the future forecast for us?
Listening to our hearts. Where do I stand on things? How is my life a positive witness to others even when I don’t have it all together? What is God pressing upon me to learn, hear, do, give or share?
Listening to God’s Word. What scriptures are you drawn to right now? What have you heard, learned, run from or chosen to act on?
Listening for little opportunities to love, dialogue, share faith, teach, form, forgive, reconcile and offer mercy and receive mercy.
We can choose what we do this week. If we decide to listen, God will give us opportunities to do so. Make a plan with me to intentionally listen this week. I plan to seek out people to talk with and then mostly listen. I believe we will hear what’s on the minds and hearts of others and have a little insider information on how to serve them better. We will be able to reach in right then to offer hope, prayer, wisdom, kindness and hospitality too.
“One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.” - Bryant H. McGill
Jane Angha